director, writer, editor, photographer, videographer, songwriter - Miyake Keinaka -

director, writer, editor, photographer, videographer, songwriter - Miyake Keinaka -

I am an Indonesian student studying Media, Business and English A-Levels at Millfield College UK. I am dedicated to launching creative pursuits in creative industries such as film and television, showcasing my work in my portfolio: @top8cliche and @indulgeinmyaura. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working with diverse teams and collaborating with industry experts, which has enriched my perspective and allowed me to develop a well-rounded skill set. My journey includes successful stints in digital marketing, brand management, and strategic planning, where I have led and contributed to numerous successful campaigns that resonated with audiences worldwide. I have engaged in hands-on media experience including my directorial debut on the short film "Theoretically" and Music video projects in the music management industry, @tap_projects, helping out with sectors ranging from photography, videography, editing, set design and directing.